The principal teaching of Hinduism is guiding oneself towards inner peace while contributing to world peace. By understanding the Hindu concept of Dharma, Ahimsa and Moksha through sacred texts such as the Bhagvad Gita and Upanishad, one can achieve inner peace. Once inner peace is attained, world peace can also be realized.
The World Spiritual Forum, also known as WSF Canada, began in 2016 and is located at 5147 Tomken Road, Mississauga, Ontario. This spiritual center is normally referred to as the “Ashram”. It is a Hindu temple where all activities including regular worship of Hindu dieties by appointed priest, discourses, bhajans and hymn take place. WSF Canada strives to promote the divine blessings and spiritual preaching of His Holiness Shri Guruvananda Swami, through the doctrine of Hinduism and practices to bring peace to the mind and soul of humankind. At this particular Ashram, Hindu scriptures and vedas are used to help individuals to regulate their lives, move toward self-improvement, and have the power to change their direction and destiny. The Ashram’s goal is to help make one’s journey from a worldly family life towards a higher spiritual plane, where merging into the Almighty is a real possibility.
WSF Canada celebrate all Hindu festivals and organize yoga classes every second Sunday. The Ashram conducts prayers and rituals every week, adheres to festival days that follow the Hindu tradition, and conducts classes to teach the Hindu vedas and scripture to all devotees, including children. WSF Canada organizes various discourses on the scriptures, bhajans, hymns and other religious activities to promote the ideals of Hinduism. Many of the activities, especially weekend sessions, are held at the Ashram, but some activities may be conducted off site as well. Regular worship of Hindu dieties take place by appointed priests and according to the various scriptures and rituals of Hinduism.
Board members are responsible for the monthly maintenance and upkeep of the Ashram, which is supported through the kind and generous donations made by devotees. The Board also ensures the appointment of priests, and other staff members who run the Ashram, and take account of activities conducted in the past while also scheduling future events.
World Spiritual Forum Canada is a Registered Charitable organization under Canada Not-For-Profit Corporation Act and the Registration Number is 82857 2842 RR0001.
The Ashram’s mission is to preach teachings of Hindu scriptures and develop a sense of “Common World Spiritual family”. The Ashram practices and preaches the philosophy of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum” which teaches us that we are all part of God’s family – one big global family. All are welcome to the ashram to practice yoga, delve deep into vedas and learn the doctrine of Hinduism.
The Ashram practices and propagates hindu culture and religious practices encouraging the members to serve humanity by teaching “seva”. The Ashram conducts regular yoga sessions and prayer rituals. Yoga helps maintain healthy body as well as a peaceful mind and spirit by applying yogic philosophy to daily life.